Lopchu Eco Homestay


Privacy Policy

We care about your privacy and are committed to handling your personal information safely and responsibly. The following Privacy Policy applies to information collected through the www.lopchuecohomestay.com website. Please review this Privacy Policy periodically, as we may update it from time to time. services, you agree to comply with these terms and conditions.

Reservation policy

To confirm your reservation, a deposit is required. Your booking is considered confirmed once the deposit is received.

Cancellation Policy

You must cancel at least 7 days before the check-in date to avoid penalties. We offer a full refund for cancellations made within this period.

Check-in and Check-out

Check-in starts at 12 PM, and check-out is before 11 AM. Requests for early check-in or late check-out depend on availability.

Payment policy

Full payment is required at the time of check-in. We accept cash and major credit cards.

Health and Safety:

– Guests must inform us of any medical conditions, allergies, or special requirements during booking.
– Guests are responsible for their own health and travel insurance.
– Guests must adhere to safety guidelines provided by our staff.

House Rule

  • Smoking is not allowed inside the cottages.
  • Pets are permitted.
  • Please respect the tranquility of the environment and other guests.

Additional Services

  • Dining options, including BBQ facilities, are available at additional charges.
  • Guided nature walks and bird-watching tours can be arranged upon request.


We are not responsible for any loss or damage to personal belongings. Please take care of your valuables.

Privacy Policy:

We respect guest privacy and ensure that any personal information provided is kept confidential and used solely for booking and service purposes.

Contact Information:

For inquiries or assistance, please contact us through WhatsApp, Instagram, phone, or email, as listed on our website.

By confirming your booking, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to our terms and conditions. We look forward to hosting you at Lopchu Eco Homestay and ensuring you have a memorable experience.

Please review our terms and conditions for details on reservations, cancellations, check-in/check-out times, liability, and payment terms. We strive to provide a transparent and pleasant experience for all our guests.